Parish Churches

Parish Churches existed in a monastic or cathedral church, as at Norwich, Kilkenny, Carlisle, Chester, Salisbury, and Hereford. Spanish cathedrals have usually an attached sagrario or parroquia, or parish church, which communicates with the main building; at Strengnas, in the south aisle, there is a peasants church. Nice, like Manchester and Ripon, are also parish churches. The Austin canons of Thornton, Carlisle, and Christchurch, and the secular canons at Hereford and Chichester, left the naves open for the parish altar;

the Benedictines, who at Rochester, Westminster, St. Alban's, and other places, built a separate parish church, yet tolerated it within the nave at Bodmin and Tynemouth. At Romsey, Marrick, St. Helen's (Bishopsgate), Croyland, and Dunstable, the north aisle, and at Leominster the south aisle, formed a parish church. At Lincoln bishop Sutton removed the parishioners of St. Mary Magdalene out of the nave. In order to give still further relief at Chichester, Scarborough, and Manchester, side chapels were erected externally to the nave aisles; a large chapel at York and a church of St. Cross at Ely were appended on the north, as at Rochester and Waltham on the south, of the nave; and at Sherborne a western ante-church.

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