
Paulinus OF YORK, St., an ecclesiastic of the 7th century, noted as the companion of St. Augustine in hie mission in England, was sent from Rome by pope Gregory I in A.D. 601. He soon made himself the favorite of the English princes, and obtained positions of influence and trust at court. In A.D. 625 he was consecrated bishop by archbishop Justus to attend Athelburga, daughter of AEthelbert, king of Kent, to the North on her marriage with Edwin, king of the Northumbrians. In A.D. 626 and 627 his missionary labors resulted in marvellous successes; thousands were baptized by him, and his fame was in all the land. He was made bishop of York, where he founded the cathedral, about 628, and in 631 consecrated Honorius archbishop of Canterbury at Lincoln. In 633, on the death of king Edwin, he was obliged to flee before the invading Northumbrians, and settled in Kent. He there became bishop of Rochester, and died about 643. Wordsworth gives a word-picture of Paulinus of York thus:

— "of shoulders curved, and stature tall, Black hair and vivid eye, and meagre cheek, His prominent feature like an eagle's beak."

See Mrs. Clement, Handbook of Legends and Mythology, p. 248; Inett, Hist. of the Church of England (see Index); Milman, Hist. of Latin Christianity, 2:186 sq.

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