Pavels, Claus

Pavels, Claus a Norwegian prelate, was born Aug. 1, 1769. in Vaudei parish, near Christians and, in Norway. He graduated with the highest honors at the gymnasium in Christians and and at the University of Copenhagen. From 1799 to 1805 lie preached in Copenhagen, but was then called to Christiania, Norway, where he remained until 1817. From 1817 until he died, in 1822, he was bishop of Bergen. He enjoyed a great reputation as a pulpit orator, and published a number of sermons and religious treatises. He also wrote poetry, and kept a diary, in which he recorded all the more important events of his time. His grandson, C. P. Riis, has published two of his writings; the one, Bishop Claus Pavels Autobiographi (Christiania, 1866); the other, Claus Pavels Dagbogs Optegnelser (ibid. 186467). (R. B. A.)

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