Penni, Luca

Penni, Luca another Italian artist and brother of the preceding, was born at Florence about the year 1500. Orlando says that Luca also studied in the school of Raffaelle. According to Vasari, Luca united himself to Plierino del Vaga, and worked with him in the churches at Lucca, Genoa, and other cities; he afterwards accompanied Rosso into France, and ultimately passed into England, where he was employed for some time by Henry VIII. On his return to Italy he is said to have quitted painting for engraving. There are quite a number of prints attributed to him, mostly after the works of Rosso and Primaticcio. Among them are the following: Susannna and the Elders; Abraham sacrificing Isaac, after Primaticcio; The Marriage of St. Catharine, ditto.

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