Piquet (or Picquet), Claude

Piquet (or Picquet), Claude a French monastic, was born at Dijon in the second half of the 16th century. He joined the Franciscan Order, and became the abbot of this order at Chalons-sur-Saone and at Romenay. He was also professor of philosophy. He died after 1621. He left Commentaria super evangelicam fratrum Minorum regulam ac sancti Francisci testamentum (Lyons, 1597, 8vo). It contains a life of the founder, and a catalogue of the distinguished men of his order: — Provinciae S. Bonaventurae, seu Burgundiae fratrum Minorum regularis observantiae, etc., descrimptio (Tournon, 1610 and 1612, 8vo). Claude Piquet left, among other manuscripts, a life of pope Clement IV. Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé, 40, 298.

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