Poach, Andreas

Poach, Andreas a German Lutheran minister of the 16th century, studied at Wittenberg under Martin Luther, where also he was made namgister. In 1542 he was called to Jena as archdeacon; then he was appointed pastor at Nordhausen; and in 1550 he was called as pastor and professor of theology to Erfurt, where in 1572 in company with four others, he was deposed. He then moved to Utenbach, near Jena, where he died, April 2, 1585. He edited Luther's Hauspostille, with Corrections and Additions (Jena, 1559 sq.), and wrote the biography of Ratzeberger (q.v.), Vom christlichen Abschied aus diesern Sterblichen, etc. (Jena, 1559). See Jocher, Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch de theol. Littérateur, 2, 130. (B. P.)

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