
Pomoryans are a small body of Russian Dissenters, so called from their proximity to the Lake Ladoga and the White Sea, or from Pomori, a village in the government of Olonetz, where they appear to have originated. They believe that Antichrist has already come; reigns in the world unseen, that is, spiritually; and has put an end in the Church to everything that is holy. This belief they found upon the assertion by John (1Jo 4:3), "This is that spirit of Antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world." It is probable that Russian Dissenters, as well as others, consider the secular spirit of their Church establishment as the very spirit of Antichrist, blasting everything that is truly spiritual and holy. They are zealous in opposing the innovations of Nikon with regard to the Church books; prefer a life of celibacy and solitude, and rebaptize their converts from other sects. See Pinkerton, Greek Church, p. 330; Platon, Greek Church (see Index).

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