
Rellyanites or RELLYAN UNIVERSALISTS, the followers of Mr. James Relly. He first commenced his ministerial character in connection with Mr. Whitefield, and was received with great popularity. Upon a change of his views he encountered reproach, and was pronounced by many as an enemy to godliness. He believed that Christ as a Mediator was so united to mankind that his actions were theirs, his obedience and sufferings theirs, and, consequently, that he has as fully restored the whole human race to the divine favor as if all had obeyed and suffered in their own persons and upon this persuasion he preached a finished salvation, called by the apostle Jude "the common salvation." The Rellyanites are not observers of ordinances such as water baptism and the sacrament, but profess to believe only in one baptism, which they call all immersion of the mind or conscience into truth by the teaching of the Spirit of God; and by the same Spirit they are enabled to feed on Christ as the bread of life, professing that in and with Jesus they possess all things. They inculcate and maintain good works for necessary purposes, but contend that the principal and only work which ought to be attended to is the doing real good without religious ostentation; that to relieve the miseries and distresses of mankind according to our ability is doing more real good than the superstitious observance of religious ceremonies. In general they appear to believe that there will be a resurrection to life and a resurrection to condemnation; that believers only will be among the formler, who as first-fruits, and kings and priests, will have part in the first resurrection, and shall reign with Christ in his kingdom of the millennium; that unbelievers who are after raised must wait the manifestation of the Saviour of the world under that condemnation of conscience which a mind in darkness and wrath must necessarily feel; that believers, called kings and priests, will be made the medium of communication to their condemned brethren, who, like Joseph to his brethren, though he spoke roughly to them, in reality overflowed with affection and tenderness; that ultimately every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that in the Lord they have righteousness and strength; and thus every enemy shall be subdued to the kingdom and glory of the Great Mediator. Relly was succeeded (in 1781) by an American preacher, Elhanan Winchester, who had been a Calvinistic Baptist, but the congregation in London was soon broken up. This movement by Relly was the first attempt to consolidate a sect of which Universalism should be the leading tenet. A Mr. Murray belonging to this society emigrated to America, and preached these sentiments at Boston and elsewhere. Mr. Relly published several works, the principal of which are, Union: — The Trial of Spirits: — Christian Liberty: — One Baptism: — The Salt of Sacrifice: — Antichrist Resisted: — Letters on Universal Salvation: — The Cherubimical Mystery. SEE UNIVERSALISTS.

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