Rudder, William, Dd

Rudder, William, D.D.

a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was born in British Guiana; graduated from Trinity College and from the General Theological Seminary; was ordained deacon by bishop Brownell in 1851; officiated successively in St. Paul's Church, Flatbush, L.I.; Calvary Church, New York, as an assistant minister; St. Paul's Church, Albany, as rector; and in St. Stephen's, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as assistant. On the death of the Reverend Dr. Ducacliet, rector of St. Stephen's, in 1865, Dr. Rudder assumed the rectorship, and remained in this pastorate until his death, January 29, 1880, aged fifty-seven years. See Whittaker, Almanac and Directory, 1881, page 174.

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