Saconay, Gabriel De

Saconay, Gabriel De, a French theologian, was born near Lyons. While quite young, he was made canon of Lyons, and afterwards became dean of the chapter. He was one of the most zealous opponents of the Reformation. and was for some time censor of the city of Lyons. He died Aug. 3, 1580. His writings are principally controversial, and bitter in the extreme. They are, De la Providence de Dieu sur les Rois de France, with L'Histoire des Albigois (1568): — Traite de la Vraie Idoltrie de notre Temps (1568): — Discours des Premiers Troubles advenus a Lyons, written in answer to a Huguenot writing (La Genealogie et la Fin des Hugueneaux): — and Decouverte du Calvinisme. Saconay also published an edition of the treatise of Henry VIII against Luther, to which he wrote a preface full of the most violent expressions. Calvin answered it by a satirical work called Gratulatio (1560).

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