Sanderson, Robert, Dd

Sanderson, Robert, D.D., An English prelate, was born at Rotherham, Yorkshire, Sept. 19, 1587. Studied at Lincoln College, Oxford, became a fellow in 1606, and reader in logic in 1608; ordained deacon and priest in 1611. He was subrector in Lincoln College in 1613, 1614, and 1616; proctor of Oxford in 1616; bachelor of divinity in 1617; rector of Wilberton, Lincolnshire, in 1618, and of Boothby Pannel for more than forty years from 1619; prebendary of Lincoln in 1629; chaplain to Charles I in 1631; rector of Muston, Leicestershire, eight years from 1633; doctor of divinity in 1636. In 1642 he was prebendary of Southwell and of Oxford, and regius professor of divinity, with the canonry of Christ Church. He was unable to enter the professorship until 1646; was ejected from the last two appointments in 1648, but restored in 1660, and consecrated bishop of Lincoln the same year. He died Jan. 29, 1662. The following are his principal works: Logicoe Artis Compendium (1615, 8vo; new ed. Lond. 1841, 12mo): — Judicium Universitatis Oxoniensis (ibid. 1648):, — De Obligatione Conscientioe Proelectiones (1647, 1660, 8vo; it has passed through several later editions — the last at Cambridge [1856, 8vo]). Besides other dissertations, he printed numbers of his Sermons, which were collected and published, together with his Life by Izaac Walton (Lond. 1689, fol.). See Cattermole, Lit. of the Ch. of England, 2, 10-34.

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