Schaeffer, Frederick David, Dd

Schaeffer, Frederick David, D.D.

a Lutheran. minister, was born at Frankfort-on-the-Main, November 15, 1760, and received his education at the gymnasium in Hanau. In 1774 he began a private course in theology. He was licensed in 1786 by the Synod of Pennsylvania, ordained October 1, 1788, and took charge of the Lutheran Church at Carlisle, preaching at different places in other counties. In 1790 he assumed the pastoral charge of Germantown District, and in 1812 removed to Philadelphia, as pastor of St. Michael's and Zion's churches. In 1834, in consequence of declining health, he removed to Maryland, where he died, January 27, 1836. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, IX, 1:79; Evangelical Review, 6:275.

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