Schlochow, Emmanuel Moritz

Schlochow, Emmanuel Moritz a minister of the Episcopal Church, was born of Jewish parentage in 1826, at Winzig, Silesia. In 1848 he joined the Christian Church at Breslau, and in 1851 acted as lay missionary among the Jews in Upper Silesia. Ina order to make himself more fit for missionary work, Schlochow entered the Hebrew College of the London Society, and in 1853 was appointed to Jassy, where he remained for nearly ten years. In 1863 he was appointed to Mtihlhausen, and at the end of the Franco-Prussian war settled at Strasburg, as the most important place in Alsace and Lorraine. At the beginning of the year 1876 he was compelled to retire from the mission- field on account of broken health, and settled at Worthing, England, where he died, December 30, 1876. (B.P.)

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