Schmid, Johann Andreas

Schmid, Johann Andreas a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born at Worms, August 28, 1652, was in 1683 professor at Jena, in 1699 at Helmstaidt, and died June 12, 1726, doctor and professor of theology. He published, Compendium Historie Ecclesiasticae (Helmstadt, 1701; new ed. 1708): — De Apostolis Uxoratis (1704): — Historia Saeculi Quarti Fabulis Variorum Maculata (1712): — De Fatis Calicis Eucharistiae in Ecclesia Romana (1708): — Lexicon Ecclesiasticum Minus (1712): — De Cantoribus Ecclesiae Veteris

et Novi Testamenti (1703): — De Re Monetali Ebraeorum (1699). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:529, 532, 534, 554, 564, 573, 603, 608, 613, 614, 616, 618, 620, 627, 629, 630-32, 634, 635, 637, 654, 663, 759, 761; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)

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