Sheer Thursday

Sheer Thursday.

(spelled also Chare, Shere, or Shier) is also known as Maunday , (q.v.) or Shrift Thursday. These are names given in England to the Thursday of Passion Week. It is known in the Romish Church as Quinta Feria Dominica in Ramis Palmarum and its institution is attributed to (Leo II about 682 put the day was observed as early as the 5th century by the celebration of the Lord's supper in connection with the washing of feet. It has had several apellations in allusion to events commemorated or ceremonies observed, such as Dies Coenoe Dominicoe, the Day of the Lord's Supper; Dies Natalis Eucharistioe, the Birthday of the Eucharist;

Natalis Calicis, the Birthday of the Cup; Dies Panis, the Day of Bread; Dies Lucis, the Day of Light, with allusion perhaps to the lights used at the Lord's supper; Dies Viridium, a title of doubtful meaning. It was also called Capitularium, because the heads (capita) of catechumens were washed that day preparatory to baptism. The name given to it in England was derived from the custom of men polling their beards on this day as a token of grief for our Lord's betrayal "for that in old fathers' days the people would that day shere their heedes, and clypp theyr bordes, and pool theyr heedes, and make them honest ayent Easter day." In Saxony it is called Good Thursday, and in the north of England Kiss-Thursday, in allusion to the Judas kiss. Among the observances of the day were the silence of all bells from this day till Easter eve; the admission of penitents who had been excluded from religious services at the beginning of Lent; and the consecration of the elements by the pope below the altar of the Lateran. Oil for extreme unction, for chrism, and for baptism was consecrated on this day. After vespers on this day two acolytes strip the altars of all their ornaments, and cover them with black trimmings, while in many places the halters are washed wine and water and rubbed with herbs.

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