Slack, Comfort I

Slack, Comfort I., a Presbyterian minister, was born in Mexico, N.Y., Aug. 12, 1835. He graduated at Hamilton College, Clinton, N.Y., studied theology in Auburn Seminary, was licensed to preach by the Cayuga Presbytery, and in 1863 was ordained and installed pastor of Westminster Church at Newton, Jasper Co., Ia. This was his only charge, and here he labored faithfully till his death, Feb. 24, 1865. Mr. Slack was distinguished for his fidelity as a student, his interest in the missionary cause, and his devoted piety. The Rev. George Ransom, of Muir, Mich., writes of him: "He brought into the work of the ministry an accuracy of judgment, a perspicuity of reasoning, and a safety in his conclusions which are rarely achieved save by the discipline of a long and trying experience." See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1866, p. 224. (J.L.S.)

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