Smith, William Robertson, Lld

Smith, William .Robertson, LL.D.

a Scotch Hebraist and author, was born at Keig, Aberdeenshire, Nov. 8, 1846. His education was received at Aberdeen University, New College, Edinburgh, Bonn, and Gottingen. From 1868 to 1870 he was assistant in physics at Edinburgh; 1870-81 professor of Hebrew in the Free Church College, Aberdeen, from which position he was removed for alleged heretical teaching. He next was associate editor of the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica; 1883-86, lord almoners' professor of Arabic at Cambridge University; and from 1886 until his death, March 31, 1894, librarian of the university. He was the author of The Old Testament in the Jewish Church: — The Prophets of Israel and their Place in History to the Close of the 8th Century: Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia..

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