Stackhouse, Thomas

Stackhouse, Thomas an English divine, was born in 1680. He was for some time minister of the English Church at Amsterdam, and afterwards successively curate at Richmond, Ealing, and Finchley. In 1733 he was presented to the vicarage of Benham-Valence, alias Beenham, in Berkshire, where he died, Oct. 11, 1752. He wrote, The Miseries and Great Hardships of the Inferior Clergy

in and about London (1722, 8vo): Memoirs of Bishop Atterbury (1723, 8vo): — A Complete Body of Divinity (1729, fol.): — A Fair State of. the Controversy between Mr. Woolston and his Adversaries, etc. (1730, 8vo): — A Defense of the Christian Religion from the Several Objections of Antiscripturists, etc. (1731, 8vo): — Reflections on the Nature and Property of Languages (1731, 8vo): — The Book-binder, Book-printer, and Book-seller Confuted, etc. (1732, 8vo) New History of the Bible from the Beginning of the World to the Establishment of Christianity (1732, 2 vols. fol.): — New and Practical Exposition of the Creed (1747, fol.): — Vana Doctrinoe Emolumenta (1752, 4to): — Sermons, etc.

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