Stone, James R, Dd

Stone, James R., D.D.

a Baptist minister, was born at Westborough, Massachusetts, in 1818. He removed to Providence, R.I., when a child, and united with the First Baptist Church in that city in 1833. After studying two years in Brown University, he became principal of Washington. Academy, in Wickford, and, in 1839, was ordained pastor of the church in that place. A few years afterwards he became pastor of the Stewart Street Church, in Providence; subsequently held pastorates in Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. For two years he had charge of the Worcester (Massachusetts) Academy. In 1864 he was appointed district secretary of the American Baptist Publication Society for West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. In 1869 he became pastor of the Church in Fort Wayne, Ind. For several years he was president of the Indiana Baptist State Convention. His last pastorate was in Lansing, Michigan. He died February 1, 1884. See Cathcart, Baptist Encyclop. page 1112. (J.C.S.)

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