Stone, Timothy

Stone, Timothy, a Congregational minister, was born July 23 (O. S.), 1742, and entered Yale College in 1759, from which he graduated in due course. After his graduation he taught school in North Branford studied theology under Rev. Mr. Brinsmade, of Judea (now Washington), Conn., and was licensed to preach by the New Haven Association, Sept. 24, 1765. He preached for some time in Hanover, and was then settled at Goshen, Conn., Sept. 30, 1767; and while there discontinued the, use of the "Half-way Covenant," i.e. of admitting to baptism the children of parents, who professed a belief in Christianity, and were not immoral in their lives, though they did not partake of the ordinance of the supper. About the year 1790 he preached the Concio ad Clerum at Yale. He died May 12, 1797. The following is a list of Mr. Stone's publications: A Sermon on Selfishness. (1778): — Sermon on the Death of Madam Faith Trumbull (1780): — Election Sermon (1792): — and Ordination Sermon (1794). See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 1, 631.

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