Storrs, John

Storrs, John, a Congregational minister, was born at Mansfield, Conn., in 1735. He graduated, at Yale College in 1756, and was tutor in 1761-62; was installed at Southold, L.I., in 1763; was absent from his parish from 1776 to 1782 on account of the war, being chaplain to the Revolutionary army for a part of the time. He was dismissed in 1787, and settled on the paternal estate at Mansfield, at the sane time acting as pastor of the Church in North Windham, Conn. he died Oct. 9, 1799. His grandson is Rev. R.S. Storrs, D.D., of Braintree, Mass., and his great-grandson is the eloquent divine of the same name in Brooklyn, N.Y. See Cong. Quarterly, 1861, p. 265.

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