Stubbs, Alfred, Dd

Stubbs, Alfred, D.D.

a Protestant Episcopal minister, was born at Turk's Island, West Indies, May 12, 1815. He passed his school-days at Bloomingdale and in Brooklyn, graduated at Yale College in 1835, and at the General Theological Seminary, New York city, in 1839. In the latter year he .was chosen rector of Christ Church, New Brunswick, a position which he continued to hold until his death, December 11, 1882. He was a warm- hearted and generous man, and of untiring energy and earnest devotion to the principles of the Church. In the convention of the diocese he took an. active and leading part, and frequently was sent as deputy to the General Convention. He had been for a long time president of the Standing Committee. In 1867 Dr. Stubbs made a charge against the Reverend Stephen H. Tyng, Jr., of violating the canon laws of the Church by preaching in a Methodist meeting-house in New Brunswick. Dr. Stubbs was a prominent person in that trial, which attracted wide attention.

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