Susil, Franz

Susil, Franz a Roman Catholic divine, was born in 1804 at Neu-Rausnitz, near Austerlitz. In 1827 he received holy orders, and in 1837 was appointed- professor at Brinn. He died June 1,1868, at Bystric, in Moravia.

Susil was one of the most prominent theologians and poets of Moravia. Of his works, which are all written in the Czechian language, we mention the Works of the Apostolic Fathers (1837, and often): — Ecclesiastical Hymns (1846; 2nd ed. 1859): — and a Commentary on the Gospels (1864-67), 4 vols. See Literarischer. Handweiser für das katholische Deutschland, 1868, No. 69, p. 307 sq. (B. P.)

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