Sutcliffe, Joseph, Ma

Sutcliffe, Joseph, M.A.

an English Wesleyan minister, was born at Baildon, Yorkshire. He was converted in early life, was appointed by Wesley to Redruth in 1786, introduced Methodism into the Scilly Isles in 1788, spent the last twenty years of his life in retirement in London, and died May 14, 1856. His course was one of "unspotted Christian purity and progressive excellence. In Biblical scholarship he especially excelled. "He was an indefatigable writer, publishing in all thirty-two works on religious subjects, the chief being A Commentary on the Old and New Testament (Lond. 1834, 2 volumes, royal 8vo). See Minutes of the British Conference, 1856, page 211; Stevens, Hist. of Methodism, 2:348; Smith, Hist. of Wesl. Methodism, 2:647; Wesl. Meth. Magazine, 1856, page 503; Osborn, Meth. Bibliography, page 181; Wesleyan Takings, 1:303.

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