Sutphen, Morris Crater, Dd

Sutphen, Morris Crater, D.D.

a Presbyterian minister, was born Dec. 1, 1837, at Bedminster, N. J. He united with the Church Aug. 16,1855. He graduated from Princeton College in 1856. After teaching in a private family in Virginia, he entered Princeton Theological Seminary, from whence he graduated after a three years course. In both college and seminary he gained a high position as a scholar. He was licensed by the Presbytery of Elizabethtown, at Rahway, N.H., and on May 1, 1860, was ordained by the Presbytery of Philadelphia, and installed as collegiate pastor of the Spring Garden Church in that city, to serve as co-pastor with the venerable John McDowell, D.D., at whose death, Feb. 13, 1863, he became sole pastor. After a pastorate of great fidelity and fruitfulness, in which lie became quite popular, he became collegiate pastor with the Venerable J. McElroy, D.D., of the Scotch Church in New York, and was installed April 28,1866. He was obliged to resign in 1872, on account of aphonia, which a journey to Europe failed to remedy. After his return he spent a winter in Florida, and made an effort to supply the pulpit of the Jacksonville Church, but was obliged to relinquish it. Returning to the North, his health continued to fail, and he died at Morristown, N. J., June 18,1875. Dr. Sutphen was a talented, popular, and useful preacher, a man of genial spirit, a Christian gentleman, a laborious pastor, and a hard student, and was successful in all departments of Christian work. He was offered the presidency of three colleges, and at one time a professorship in one of the theological seminaries of the Church, but to none of these did he consider his health adequate. He was engaged during the latter part of his life in preparing a Manual of Family Worship. (W. P. S.)

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