Swan, Jabez Smith

Swan, Jabez Smith a noted Baptist evangelist, was born at Stonington, Connecticut, February 23, 1800. He had early educational advantages; was converted at the age of twenty-one; licensed the following year; studied at the Hamilton Institute, N.Y.; became pastor at Stonington in 1827; Norwich, N.Y., in 1830; Preston in 1837; Oxford in 1842; New London, Connecticut, in 1843.; Albany, N.Y., in 1848; at New London again in 1849; served as a missionary through the state of New York for several years; became pastor at Watertord, where his health failed in 1862; and died November 19, 1884. He was powerful in prayer and preaching, and great revivals followed his labors. 'See Cathcart, Baptist Encyclop. s.v.

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