

(Heb. Talmay', תִּלמִי, furrowed [Gesenius ] or bold [Fuirst, who comp. Θολομαῖος, Josephus, A nt. 14:8,1; Βαρ-θολομαῖος, Mt 10:3]; Sept. Θολμαί, Θολμί, Θελαμείν, Θολομαϊv, etc.; Vulg. Tholmai or Tholomai'), the name of two men.

1. Last named of the three gigantic" sons of Anak" in Hebron (Nu 13:22), who were expelled by Ca leb (Jos 15:14) and slain by the Judahites (Jg 1; Jg 10). B.C. 1618. It has been thought that these people are depicted on the Egyptian monuments as a tall, light complexioned race. In the hieroglyphic inscription they are named Tanmahu, which may be the Egyptian rendering of the Hebrew word Talmai, allowing for the interchange of the liquid I for n, so constant in all languages. The figure is from a picture on a wall of the tomb of Aimenepthah I, supposed to represent a man of the tribe of Talmai, one of the sons of Anak (Burton, Excerpta Hieroiqsphica).

Bible concordance for TALMAI.

2. Son of Ammihud and king of Geshur (2Sa 3; 2Sa 3; 2Sa 13:37; 1Ch 3; 1Ch 2). B.C. 1045. His daughter Maachah was one of the wives of David and mother of Absalom. He was probably a petty chieftain dependent on David, and his wild retreat in Bashan afforded a shelter to his grandson after the assassination of Amnon. SEE DAVID.

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