
Thaddee'us (Θαδδαῖος; Vulg. Thaddceus), a name in Mark's catalogue of the twelve apostles (3, 18) in the great majority of MSS. In Matthew's catalogue (10, 3) the corresponding place is assigned to Θαδδαῖος by the Vatican MS. (B), and the Sinaitic (א), and to Λεββαῖος by the Codex Bezae (D); while the received text, following the first correction of the Codex Ephraemi (C)- where the original reading is doubtful as well as many fragmentary uncial and several cursive MSS., reads Λεββαῖος ὁ ἑ πικληθεὶς θαδδαῖος. We are probably to infer that Λεββαῖος alone is the original reading of Mt 10:3, and Θαδδαῖος of Mark 3, 18 (so Tischendorf; but Tregelles has Θαδδαῖος in both passages). By these two evangelists the tenth place among the apostles is given to Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus, the eleventh place being given to Simon the Canaanite. Luke, in both his catalogues (6, 15; Acts i, 13), places Simon Zelotes tenth among the apostles, and assigns the eleventh place to Ι᾿ούδας Ι᾿ακώβου. As the other names recorded by Luke are identical with those which appear (though in a different order) in the first two gospels, it seems scarcely possible to doubt that the three names of Jilas, Lebbeus, and Thaddaeus were borne by one and the same person. SEE JUDE; SEE LEBBEUS; SEE THADDAEI ACTA and SEE EVANGELIUM.

Bible concordance for THADDAEUS.

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