Thenius, Otto

Thenius, Otto doctor of theology and philosophy, was born in 1801 at Dresden, where he also died, Aug. 13, 1876. Although Thenius occupied the pulpit for more than twenty years, yet his main renown is as an exegete, and as such he will always hold an honorable position among scholars. He published, Erklarung der Bücher Samuels (Leips. 1842; 2nd ed. 1864),: —Erklarung der Biicher der Kinige (ibid. 1849; 2nd ed. 1873), with an Appendix, which was also published separately, Das vorexilische Jerusalem und dessen Tempel Erklarung der Klagelieder Jeremiad (ibid. 1855): —De Loco Joh. 13:21-28 Dissertatiuncula (Dresdae, 1837): Quis Ps. 51 Auctor fuisse videatur (ibid. 1839): — Die Grdber der Kinige von Juda, in Illgen's Zeitschrift fur die historische Theologie, 1844: — Ueber die Stufenpsalmen, in Studieln ind Kritiken, 1854, vol. 2. Thenius's works will always be consulted for textual criticism. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 419; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2, 1323; Theologisches Universal-Lex. s.v. (B. P.)

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