
Trivulzi the name of several cardinals of Italian extraction, but of French association in the diplomatic movements-of their age. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Géneralé, s.v.

1. AGOSTINO was the nephew of Antonio (1); became deacon in 1517, archbishop of Reggio in 1520, and successively bishop of Bobbio (1519- 21), Toulon (1524), Asti (1528), Bayeux (1529), and Brugnato (1535); and died at Rome, March 30, 1548.

2. ANTONIO (1) was born at Milan in January, 1457, and after various diplomatic services was made bishop of Coma in 1487, and cardinal in 1501. He died at Rome, March 18, 1508.

3. ANTONIO (2), nephew of the following, was made successor of his uncle Agostino as bishop of Toulon in 1528, and cardinal in 1557. He died June 26, 1559.

4. SCARAMICCIO, a learned lawyer, was made professor of canon law at Pavia in 1491, and in 1499 counselor of Louis XII. He became cardinal in 1517, bishop of Coma in 1508, and afterwards of Piacenza (1522-26). He died at the monastery of Maguzzano, near Verona, Aug. 9,1527.

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