Turner, Francis

Turner, Francis an English prelate of the 17th century, received his education at Winchester School, graduated at New College, Oxford, April 14, 1659, and took his degree of A.M. there in 1663. He received his degree of D.D. July 6, 1669, and in the following December was collated to the prebend of Sneating, in St. Paul's. He succeeded Dr. Dunning to the see of Chichester, and, followed him in, the mastership of St. John's College, Cambridge, April 11, 1670. In 1683 he was made dean of Windsor; was consecrated bishop of Rochester, Nov. 11; and Aug. 23, 1684, was translated to the bishopric of Ely. He was one of the six bishops who joined archbishop Sancroft on May 18, 1688, in refusing to read the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience, and with them was committed, June 8, to the Tower, but was acquitted on the 29th. Refusing to take the oath when William and Mary ascended the throne, he was deprived of his bishopric, and lived in retirement till his death, Nov. 2, 1700. He wrote, A Vindication of the late Archbishop, Sancroft and his Brethren, etc., Animadversions on the Naked Truth: Letters to the Clergy of his Diocese: — Brief Memoirs of Nicholas Ferrar (2d ed. 1837, 12mo): — Sermons (1681-85). See, Bliss's Wood, Athen. Oxon. 4:545; Burnett, Own Times; Macaulay, Hist. of England, ch. 14:16:xvii; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.; Allibone, Dict. of Brit. and Amer. Authors, s.v.

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