Vinton, Francis, Dd, Dcl

Vinton, Francis, D.D., D.C.L.

a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was born at Providence, R.I., August 29, 1809. He graduated at West Point in 1830; became lieutenant of artillery was stationed in Boston Harbor; studied law in Harvard College, and acted as civil engineer; left the army in 1836; and after studying in the General Theological Seminary, was rector in Brooklyn, N.Y., several years prior to 1856, and shortly after became assistant minister of Trinity Church, New York city. About 1870, in addition to his pastoral duties, he was elected Ludlow professor of ecclesiastical polity and law in the General Theological Seminary at New York. He died in Brooklyn, Sept. 29, 1872. See Prot. Episc. Almanac, 1873, page 134.

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