Walters, Wt, Dd

Walters, W.T., D.D.

a Baptist minister, was born in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, in 1825. He made a profession of religion early in life, and graduated from Wake Forest College in 1848, in which he became first a tutor and then professor of mathematics, remaining in that position until the college was closed by the civil war. He was chosen, in 1867, corresponding secretary of the North Carolina State Convention, and for three years was engaged in the duties of that office. He was also for some time occupied in editorial work, being connected for a while with the Biblical Recorder, of which for several years he was the agricultural editor. Two churches, those of Littleton and Wilson, N.C., were organized by him. He died December 31, 1877. See Cathcart, Bapt. Encyclop. page 1208. (J.C.S.)

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