Watson, Thomas (1), Dd

Watson, Thomas (1), D.D.

an eminent English prelate, was born about 1520. He was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, of which he became a fellow and master in 1553. He took orders in the Church of England; was appointed dean of Durham in 1553; bishop of Lincoln, in 1557; and was preacher to queen Mary. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, he refused to take the oath of supremacy, was deprived of his bishopric, and from that time until his death adhered firmly to the Roman Church. He was imprisoned near London until 1580, when he was removed to Wisbeck Castle, where he died, September 25, 1582. His published works are Two Notable Sermoons before the Queenes Highnes concerning the Reall Presence (1554); and Holesome and Catholyke Doctryne concerninge the Seven Sacramentes (1558). He was also the author of a Latin tragedy, which was greatly admired, but never published.

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