
Weeping (בּכַי, κλαίω). The ancient Hebrews Wept and made their troubles to appear openly, in mourning and affliction; they were not of opinion that courage and greatness of soul consisted in seeming to be insensible in adversity, or in restraining their tears. It was even looked upon as a great disrespect for any one not to be bewailed at his funeral. Job says of the wicked man, "His widow shall not weep" (Job 27:15). The Psalmist, speaking of the death of Hophni and Phinehas, says, " Their priests fell by the sword, and their widows made no lamentation" (Ps 73:28). God forbids Ezekiel to weep or to express any sorrow for the death of his wife, to show that the Jews should be reduced to so great calamities that they should not have the liberty even to mourn or bewail themselves (Eze 24:16). SEE MOURNING TEARS.

Bible concordance for WEEPING.

Definition of weeping

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