Westhoff, Elbert Wilhelm

Westhoff, Elbert Wilhelm a Roman Catholic theologian of Germany, as born in 1801 at Dolberg. He studied at Münster and in the Collegium Germanicum at Rome, where he received holy orders in 1828, and where he was promoted as doctor of theology. In 1829 he, was called to the Church at Sunninghausen, and in 1833 to Diestedde. In 1851 he was called to Cologne as regent of the clerical seminary, which position he occupied until 1868, when he retired on account of feeble health. He died May 6, 1871, in the Alexian Monastery at Neuss. He is the editor of the ascetical writings of Avancinus, Augustine, Bellecius, Gregory the Great, etc. He also published new editions of Ballerini's writings on the position of the popes to the general councils, on the primacy of the popes, and their infallibilitus in definiendis controversiis fidei. (B. P.)

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