Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick, Dd

Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick, D.D.

a Church of England divine, was born in 1745. He was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, graduating B.A. in 1767, and M.A. in 1774; was presented to the rectory of Hagworthingham, Lincolnshire, in 1772, and died at La Fleche, November 30, 1828. He published his Edwy and Edilda, a tale (1778, 8vo): — The Fatal Kiss, a poem, written in the last stage of an atrophy, by a beautiful young lady (1781, 4to): — Verses

addressed to Mrs. Siddons (1782, 4to): Mount Blanc, a poem (1788, 4to): — The Castle of Montval, a tragedy (1781, 8vo): — Poems and Translations (8vo): — Kennet and Finelia, a legendary tale (1809, 8vo). See (Lond.) Annual Register, 1828, page 267.

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