Willstadter, Elias

Willstadter, Elias a Jewish rabbi of Germany, was born in the year 1796, at Carlsruhe. In 1821 he attended the lectures at the Wurzburg University, and in 1824, after due examination, was enrolled among the rabbinical candidates of Baden. In 1837 he was appointed to fill the vacancy of the rabbinate at Carlsruhe, and died November 14, 1842. He published, Abriss der gesammten judischen Theologie (Carlsruhe): — Predigten bei verschiedenen Gelegenheiten (ibid. 1829). Together with some other rabbis he edited an edition of the Old Test. for the use of schools (ibid. 1836-38). See Farst, Bibl. Jud. 3:516; Kayserling, Bibliothek. judischer Kanzelredner, 1:351 sq. (B.P.)

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