Zaccaria, Antonio Maria

Zaccaria, Antonio Maria an Italian monk, founder of the congregation of the Barnabites, was born at Cremona in 1500. He studied at first medicine and philosophy at Padua, and afterwards theology also. Having received holy orders, he settled at Milan, where, in 1525, he joined the fraternity of Eternal Wisdom, and where he soon, in connection with several other members, and with the sanction of Clement VII, founded a new congregation, of which he was made superior. From their first church, St. Paul's, in Milan, they were originally called the Regular Clerks of St. Paul's (Panlines), Which name they exchanged for Barnabites, when, in 1541, they were presented with the Church of St. Barnabas, in Milan. Zaccaria, who is said to have had the power of prophecy and of working miracles, died, according to his own prediction, July 5, 1539, at Cremona. Of his writings, we mention a compilation from the Church fathers, Detti Notabili Raccolti da Diversi Autori (Venice, 1583; printed in French, Lyons, 1625; Latin, by J.A. Gallicus, Axiomata Sacra). See Arisius, Cremona Literata, 2:88 sq., Biedenfeld, Monchsorden. 1:180; Theol. Universallexikon, s.v. (B.P.)

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