Apple Facing Supply Shortage of Upcoming High-End iPad Displays

  • New iPads planned for introduction in latter half of April
  • MiniLED display is key part of Apple’s upgrade proposition
Photographer: Jean Chung/Bloomberg
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The next-generation display destined to be a highlight of Apple Inc.’s upcoming top-tier iPad Pro is facing production issues that could lead to short initial supplies of the new device, according to people familiar with the matter.

The Cupertino, California-based tech giant plans to showcase a new MiniLED display technology in the 12.9-inch iPad Pro set to be announced as early as the second half of April. But the firm’s overseas suppliers are dealing with poor manufacturing yields, the people who asked not to be named discussing sensitive matters said. At least one of the MiniLED makers has had to recently pause production as a result, one person added.
