Big Tech

Trademark Filings Suggest Apple May Be Securing ‘Reality’ Names for AR/VR Headset

The iPhone maker is aiming to enter the new product category next year.

HTC Vive virtual reality headset worn at Apple conference in 2017. 

Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
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Trademark filings suggest that Apple Inc. may be staking claim to potential names for its highly anticipated mixed-reality headset, part of the tech giant’s push into its first new product category in years.

Applications were filed in the US, EU, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Costa Rica and Uruguay for the names “Reality One,” “Reality Pro” and “Reality Processor.” Though Apple itself didn’t make the filings, they follow a pattern that the iPhone maker has used in the past—including relying on law firms that the company has previously enlisted to lock down brands.
