Shuli Ren, Columnist

Why Goldman Is Siding With China on This Huawei Play

Analysts are split over the future of SMIC, a semiconductor foundry that supplies the tech giant. So far, the believers are winning.

National champion or collateral damage. What do you see?

Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg

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From Seoul to Taipei, large-cap companies are treated with reverence, boasting almost uniform buy recommendations from brokerage analysts. But in Hong Kong, a Chinese semiconductor foundry, which has gained over $7 billion in market cap this year, is stirring up controversy and splitting Wall Street titans.

I’m talking about Shanghai-based Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp., which counts Huawei Technologies Co. as its largest client. Of the 33 sell-side analysts tracked by Bloomberg, only 14 have a buy rating, with the rest an outright sell or hold, which in the analyst world amounts to a polite no.
