Privacy Policy for iOS Applications

Catch the Sig

No data leaves your phone unless you copy data or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about Catch the Sig

Drug Structures

For this game the only data that leaves your phone, if you login into Apple Game Center, is your username, AppleID, and high score as implemented by Apple. Otherwise your high score remains on your phone.

More information about Drug Structures

Drug Receptor

For this game no data leaves your phone unless you create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about Drug Receptor

Name the Drug

For this game the only data that leaves your phone, if you login into Apple Game Center, is your username, AppleID, and high score as implemented by Apple. Otherwise your high score remains on your phone.

More information about Name the Drug


Data entered is only used on your phone to calculate results displayed on your phone. No data leaves your phone unless you copy data or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about tValue

SE Aurora

Location data is used to determine your location. This is used to provide the augmented reality display of nearby points of interest (POI), directions (from Apple) to selected POIsand information from various websites related to the selected POIs. No other data leaves your phone unless you copy data or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about SE Aurora

Current Locations

Location data is used to determine your location. This is used to geotag points of interest (POI) at your current location. No other data leaves your phone unless you email information to your designated recipient, you copy data or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about Current Locations

Survey Help

GPS location data is used to determine your location. This is used to find survey points near your current location. No data leaves your phone unless you copy to iCloud or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about Survey Help

Bird Count

GPS location data is used to determine your location. This is used to find points near your current location. No data leaves your phone unless you save data to iCloud or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about Bird Count

PCC Plants

No data leaves your phone unless you copy data or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about PCC Plants


No data leaves your phone unless you copy data or create a screenshot on your phone.

More information about Rx Review

Privacy Policy for visionOS Applications

Aurora OS

No data leaves your device unless you copy data or create a screenshot or video on your device.

More information about Aurora OS

Privacy Policy for tvOS Applications

Pharmacy Tutorials

No user data is collected by this application other than web page logging when videos tutorials are accessed. None of these data are provided to any third party

More information about Pharmacy Tutorials

Apple Privacy Statement
Apple Game Center Terms and Conditions
David Bourne - 18 November 2019