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Drawn 15th-century portraits—by Pisanello or Jan van Eyck, for example—may be considered completed pictorial works in their concentration, execution, and distribution of space. The clear, delicately delineated representation follows every detail of the surface, striving for realism. The profile, rich in detail, is preferred; resembling relief, it is akin to the medallion. Next in prominence to the pure profile, the three-quarter profile, with its more spatial effect, came to the fore, to remain for centuries the classic portrait stance.

The close relationship to painting applies to practically all portrait drawings of the 15th century. Even so forceful a work as Dürer’s drawing of the emperor Maximilian originated as a portrait study for a painting. At the same time, however, some of Dürer’s portrait drawings clearly embody the final stage of an artistic enterprise, an ambivalence that can also be observed in other 16th-century portraitists. The works of Jean and François Clouet in France and of the younger Hans Holbein in Switzerland and even more markedly in England in the same century bestowed an autonomy on portrait drawing, especially when a drawing was completed in chalk of various colours. The choice of the softer medium, the contouring, which for all its exactitude is less severely self-contained, and the more delicate interior drawing with plane elements gives these drawings a livelier, more personal character and accentuates once more their proximity to painting.

In polychromatic chalk technique and pastel, portrait drawing maintained its independence into the 19th century. In the 18th century, Quentin de La Tour, François Boucher, and Jean-Baptiste Chardin—all of these artists from France—were among its chief practitioners, and even Ingres, living in the 19th century, still used its technique. In pastel painting, the portrait outweighed all other subjects.

In the choice of pose, type, and execution, portrait painting, like other art forms, is influenced by the general stylistic features of an epoch. Thus, the extreme pictorial attitude of the late Baroque and Rococo was followed by a severer conception during Neoclassicism, which preferred monochrome techniques and cultivated as well the special form of the silhouette, a profile contour drawing with the area filled in in black. Unmistakably indebted to their 15th-century predecessors, the creators of portrait drawings of the early 19th century aimed once more at the exact rendition of detail and plastic effects gained through the most carefully chosen graphic mediums: the thin, hard pencil was their favourite instrument, and the silverpoint, too, was rediscovered by the Romantics.

More interested in the psychological aspects of portraiture, late 19th- and 20th-century draftspeople preferred the softer crayons that readily follow every artistic impulse. The seizing of characteristic elements and an adequate plane rendition weighed more heavily with them than realistic detail. Mood elements, intellectual tension, and personal engagement are typical features of the modern portrait and thus also of modern portrait drawing, an art that continues to document the artist’s personal craftsmanship beyond the characteristics of various techniques.


As early as the 15th century, landscape drawings, too, attained enough autonomy so that it is hard to distinguish between the finished study for the background of a particular painting and an independent, self-contained sketched landscape. Already in Jacopo Bellini’s 15th-century sketchbooks, there is an intimate connection between nature study and pictorial structure; in Titian’s studio in the 16th century, landscape sketches must have been displayed as suggestions for pictorial backgrounds.

But it was Dürer who developed landscape as a recollected image and autonomous work of art, in short, as a theme of its own without reference to other works. His watercolours above all but also the drawings of his two Italian journeys, of the surroundings of Nürnberg, and of the journey to the Netherlands, represent the earliest pure landscape drawings. Centuries had to pass before such drawings occurred again in this absolute formulation.

Landscape elements were also very significant in 16th-century German and Dutch drawings and illustrations. The figurative representation, still extant in most cases, is formally quite integrated into the romantic forest-and-meadow landscape, particularly in the works of the Danube SchoolAlbrecht Altdorfer and Wolf Huber, for example. More frequently than in other schools, one finds here carefully executed nature views. In the Netherlands, Pieter Bruegel drew topographical views as well as free landscape compositions, in both cases as autonomous works.

In the 17th century, the nature study and the landscape drawing that grew out of it reached a new high. The landscape drawings of the Accademia degli Incamminati (those of Domenichino, for example) combined classical and mythological themes with heroic landscapes. The Frenchman Claude Lorrain, living in Rome, frequently worked under the open sky, creating landscape drawings with a hitherto unattained atmospheric quality. This type of cultivated and idealized landscape, depicted also by Poussin and other Northerners residing in Rome (they were called Dutch Romanists in view of the fact that so many artists from the Netherlands lived in Rome, their drawings of Italy achieving an almost ethereal quality), is in contrast with the unheroic, close-to-nature concept of landscape held primarily by the Netherlanders when depicting the landscape of their native country. All landscape painters—their landscape paintings a specialty that was strongly represented in the artistically specialized Low Countries—also created independent landscape drawings (Jan van Goyen and Jacob van Ruisdael and his uncle and cousin, for example), with Rembrandt again occupying a special position: capturing the characteristics of a region often with only a few strokes, he enhanced them in such manner that they acquire monumental expressive power even in the smallest format. In 18th-century Italy, the topographically faithful landscape drawing gained in importance with the advent of the Vedutisti, the purveyors of “views,” forming a group by themselves (among them, Giambattista Piranesi and Canaletto [Giovanni Antonio Canal]) and often working with such optical aids as the graticulate frame and camera obscura. Landscape drawings of greater artistic freedom, as well as imaginary landscapes, were done most successfully by some French artists, among them Hubert Robert; pictorially and atmospherically, these themes reached a second flowering in the brush-drawn landscapes of such English artists as Turner and Alexander Cozens, whose influence extended well into the 20th century.

Given their strong interest in delineation, the 18th-century draftspeople of Neoclassicism and, even more, of Romanticism observed nature with topographical accuracy. As a new “discovery,” the romantically and heroically exaggerated Alpine world now took its place in the artist’s mind alongside the arcadian view of the Italian landscape.

Landscape drawings and even more, watercolours, formed an inexhaustible theme in the 19th century. The French artist Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and, toward the end of the century, Cézanne and van Gogh, were among the chief creators of landscape drawings. Landscapes formed part of the work of many 20th-century draftspeople, but, for much of the century, the genre as such took second place to general problems of form, in which the subject was treated merely as a starting point. However, during the last 30 years of the 20th century, a large number of American artists returned to representation, thus reinvesting in the landscape as a subject.

Figure compositions and still lifes

Other themes of autonomous drawing include the human figure. Figure compositions depend greatly on the painting of their time and are often directly connected with it. There were, to be sure, artists who dealt in their drawings with the themes of monumental painting, such as the 17th-century engraver and etcher Raymond de La Fage; in general, however, the artistic goal of figure composition is the picture, with the drawing representing but a useful aid and a way station. Genre scenes, especially popular in the 17th-century Low Countries (as done by Adriaen Brouwer, Adriaen van Ostade, and Jan Steen, for example) and in 18th-century France and England, did attain some independent standing. In the 19th century, too, there were drawings that told stories of everyday life; often illustrative in character, they may be called “small pictures,” not only on account of the frequently multicoloured format but also in their artistic execution.

Still lifes can also lay claim to being autonomous drawings, especially the representations of flowers, such as those of the Dutch artist Jan van Huysum, which have been popular ever since the 17th century. Here, again, it is true that a well-designed arrangement transforms an immediate nature study into a pictorial composition. In some of these compositions the similarity to painting is very strong; the pastels of the 19th- and 20th-century artist Odilon Redon, for instance, or the work of the 20th-century German Expressionist Emil Nolde, with its chromatic intensity, transcend altogether the dividing line between drawing and painting. In still lifes, as in landscapes, autonomous principles of form are more important to modern artists than the factual statement.

Fanciful and nonrepresentational drawings

Drawings with imaginary and fanciful themes are more independent of external reality. Dream apparitions, metamorphoses, and the entwining of separate levels and regions of reality have been traditional themes. The late 15th-century phantasmagoric works of Hieronymus Bosch are an early example. There are allegorical peasant scenes by the 16th-century Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel and the carnival etchings of the 17th-century French artist Jacques Callot. Others whose works illustrate what can be done with drawing outside landscape and portraiture are: the 18th-century Italian engraver Giambattista Piranesi, the 18th-century Anglo-Swiss artist Henry Fuseli, the 19th-century English illustrator Walter Crane, the 19th-century French Symbolist artist Gustave Moreau, and the 20th-century Surrealists.

Nonrepresentational art, with its reduction of the basic elements of drawing—point, line, plane—to pure form, offered new challenges. Through renunciation of associative corporeal and spatial relationships, the unfolding of the dimensions of drawing and the structure of the various mediums acquire new significance. The graphic qualities of the line in the plane as well as the unmarked area had already been emphasized in earlier times—for example, in the grotteschi of Giuseppe Arcimboldo in the 16th century (the fanciful or fantastic representations of human and animal forms often combined with each other and interwoven with representations of foliage, flowers, fruit, or the like) and in calligraphic exercises such as moresques (strongly stylized linear ornament, based on leaves and blossoms)—but mostly as printing or engraving models for the most disparate decorative tasks (interior decoration, furniture, utensils, jewelry, weapons, and the like).

Artistic architectural drawings

There is one field in which drawing fulfills a distinct function: artistic architectural drawings are a final product as drawings, differing from the impersonal, exact plans and designs by the same “handwriting” character that typifies art drawings. In many cases, no execution of these plans was envisaged; since the early Renaissance, such ideal plans have been drawn to symbolize, in execution and accessories, an abstract content. Despite the often considerable exactitude with which the plans are drawn, the personal statement predominates in the flow of the line. This personal note clearly identifies the drawings of such artists and architects as Albrecht Altdorfer, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Bernini, Francesco Borromini, Étienne-Louis Boullée, and Piranesi. Also distinct from the ground-plan type of architectural drawing are the art drawings of autonomous character created by such 20th-century architects as Erich Mendelsohn, Antonio Sant’Elia, Bruno Taut, Iakov Chernikhov, and Le Corbusier.
