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France and northern Europe, 1809–12

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c. 1801 - 1815
British Empire


Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden abdicated in March 1809. His uncle, who succeeded him as Charles XIII, made peace with Russia by the treaty of Fredrikshamn of September 17, ceding Finland. Sweden next made peace with France by the treaty of Paris of January 6, 1810, and joined the Continental System (officially at least). When Bernadotte was chosen heir to the Swedish crown as Charles XIV John, Napoleon obtained a declaration of war by Sweden against Great Britain (November 17). This had no effect, and Bernadotte soon told Alexander that he would remain independent of French influence and loyal to the treaty of Fredrikshamn.

Franco-Russian relations were exacerbated early in 1810 when Napoleon’s betrothal to the Austrian archduchess Marie-Louise was announced before Alexander had declared his mother’s refusal of Napoleon’s overtures for a marriage alliance with the Russian imperial family. If the suggestion had been unwelcome, the denouement was slighting, and the growth of French influence in Vienna increased Alexander’s impatience of French tutelage. The difficulties occasioned to Russia by the Continental System, together with Napoleon’s own example in permitting relaxation of his commercial measures where French interests were involved, prompted Alexander to issue the ukase (“decree”) of December 31, 1810. It forbade some imports by land (whose provenance was the French empire and the satellite states), doubled the duty on some French merchandise, and opened Russian ports to neutral shipping and British goods. Before this, Napoleon had taken the unmistakably hostile course of annexing Oldenburg. Thenceforward France and Russia both prepared for war.

Early in 1811 Napoleon had only the 50,000 troops of the duchy of Warsaw and the 45,000 French garrisoned in Germany to protect his eastern frontier. The Russians could soon put 240,000 men in the field. Alexander concluded that if the Poles would join him, together with the 50,000 Prussians who could, he believed, then also join him without risk, he “could advance to the Oder without striking a blow.” This plan was dropped when the Poles refused to change sides despite Alexander’s offer to reconstitute Poland. Napoleon remained on the alert in the spring of 1811, and by August 16 he was discussing the general plan of a Russian campaign to begin in June 1812.

In December 1811 Napoleon secured Austria’s informal agreement to furnish 30,000 men for his campaign against Russia; and by a treaty of February 24, 1812, Frederick William of Prussia, to the dismay of Prussian patriots, consented to the occupation of his country by the Grande Armée on its way to Russia and undertook to provide supplies and materials to it (the cost to be set against the balance of the Tilsit indemnity) and also to send and maintain at full strength a contingent of 20,000 men. Both Austria and Prussia, however, informed Alexander that they would make no serious effort in the forthcoming campaign. Napoleon offended Bernadotte by opposing the latter’s plan for the annexation of Norway to Sweden and by occupying Swedish Pomerania (January 1812) in reprisal for Sweden’s failure to exclude colonial goods. Bernadotte therefore sought alliance with Russia; and by the agreement of April 5–9, 1812, it was arranged that the Swedes should invade Germany when the French were deeply enough engaged in Russia and that the Russians should later help the Swedes to annex Norway. On May 28 Russia made peace with Turkey.

The Russian campaign, 1812

For the campaign of 1812 Napoleon summoned the largest army that Europe had ever seen. He also made unprecedented efforts to assemble supplies and transport, but these preparations were quite insufficient for an advance with such disproportionate forces far into Russia. He wrongly supposed that the campaign would be ended within 30 days. Late in February the various elements of the Grande Armée set out on the long journeys which were to bring them to the frontier along the Neman in June.

The invasion of Russia

The main French army began to cross the Neman into Russia on June 24, 1812. The total invading force then numbered approximately 453,000; about 612,000 were to enter Russia during the campaign, and little more than 200,000 of them were French. The non-French contingents were destined for employment in secondary tasks, as the spearhead of the invasion force was composed of French troops. Napoleon divided his forces into armies, commanding the principal one himself and providing two auxiliary armies to protect the flanks and rear of his striking force. With him on the Neman were 227,000 men; to his right Eugène led 80,000; on the right wing at Grodno (Hrodna) were Jérôme with 76,000 and, beyond him, Karl Philipp, Fürst (prince) zu Schwarzenberg’s Austrian contingent of nearly 30,000, charged with the observation of the southernmost of the dispersed Russian forces. On the extreme French left were Macdonald and Johann Yorck with the Prusso-Polish force of 40,000. Behind the Neman the Russian commander Mikhail Bogdanovich, Prince Barclay de Tolly’s army numbered 118,000. Pyotr Ivanovich, Prince Bagration commanded approximately 35,000 regular troops as well as several thousand Cossacks behind the Bug, while Alexander Tormasov, who was observing Schwarzenberg, led about 40,000. In the north Peter Wittgenstein was advancing westward with 25,000 to defend the Western Dvina. For reserves, the Russians could call on recruits under training and Cossack and militia formations, but as these were not at once available, the Russian command decided to retreat before Napoleon’s greatly superior forces.

A forced march brought the French to Vilnius on June 28, 1812, but by then Barclay had moved toward the fortified camp of Drissa on the Dvina. Bagration, against whom Jérôme was making a lengthy march from the south, avoided Davout’s attempt to cut his line of retreat by a thrust through Minsk with two divisions and was able to cross the Dnieper (July 25). Barclay meanwhile had abandoned Drissa and withdrawn first to Vitsyebsk (July 23), then to Smolensk, where Bagration joined him on August 3, bringing their combined forces to 110,000.

Napoleon, whose march from Vilnius to Vitsyebsk had failed to separate the two Russian armies, now turned southeastward, crossing the Dnieper in the night of August 13–14, 1812. On August 14 an engagement at Krasnoe (Krasny) left Barclay in no doubt of his intentions. The French appeared, 180,000 strong, before Smolensk on August 16 and, despite the resistance of Barclay’s rear guard, entered the suburbs next day. Early on August 18 the Russians withdrew, having destroyed the bridges and fired the town. Although their rear guard was defeated by Ney and Murat at Valutina on August 19, the mass of the Russian army eluded pursuit. The French lost nearly 15,000 killed and wounded in the actions of August 16–19.

Meanwhile on August 17, 1812, Laurent, marquis de Gouvion-Saint-Cyr replaced Oudinot on Napoleon’s left flank and defeated Wittgenstein at Polotsk. A few days later Schwarzenberg won a success at Gorodechno. Although the French extreme left flank in this sector had been able to contain Tormasov, Pavel Chichagov’s approach from the south threatened to double the Russian numbers there. Napoleon halted at Smolensk until August 25, summoning Claude Victor-Perrin’s corps to Smolensk to protect his lines of communication and ordering Augereau’s from Germany to Vilnius.

Prolonged and rapid marching and commissariat problems, not combat, had already taken heavy toll of Napoleon’s strength. The failure of the transport columns to supply the marching troops reduced the effectiveness of the infantry, but the cavalry, so essential to his methods of warfare, were particularly vulnerable. Forage was lacking for the 300,000 horses, and disease and excessive work increased their death rate.

Fruitful though Barclay’s cautious methods had been, he was replaced by the veteran Kutuzov on August 17, 1812. The new commander was determined to fight a major battle before abandoning Moscow. The French arrived before his positions around the village of Borodino on September 5. The next day was spent in concentrating the army, reconnaissance, and preparations, and the inconclusive Battle of Borodino was fought on September 7. The Russians fell back southeastward to the Nara River, and Napoleon entered Moscow with 95,000 men on September 14. That night the city was fired, partly at least by the Russians themselves.
