Britannica Money

Common law

From perhaps the 13th century on, English common law dealt with contractual problems primarily through two actions: debt and covenant. When a fixed sum of money was owed, under an express or implied agreement, for a thing or a benefit given, the money was recoverable through a simple action at debt. Other debt action was available for breach of a promise, made in an instrument with a seal, to pay a fixed sum of money. A so-called action at covenant could also be brought, but only for breach of a promise under seal. These actions did not, however, provide a remedy for the breach of an informal agreement to do something. In the 15th century the common-law courts started to develop a form of action that would render such agreements enforceable, and by the middle of the 16th century they had done so through the form of action known as assumpsit (Latin: “he has undertaken”). Originating as a form of recovery for the negligent performance of an undertaking, it came step by step to cover the many kinds of agreement called for by expanding commerce and technology. Having established in principle a comprehensive remedy, it was necessary for the courts to limit its scope. The courts found the limiting principle in the doctrine of “consideration,” according to which a promise as a general rule is not binding unless something is given or promised in exchange. This consideration need not be of commensurate value, but it must be of some value, must be bargained for, and cannot be simply a formality.

Civil law

On the Continent, the revived study of classical Roman law had an immense influence upon the developing law of contract. It stimulated the rediscovery or construction of a general law concerning the validity of agreements. The Roman law, however, as crystallized in Justinian’s law books, tended to confirm the notion that something more than an informal expression of agreement was required if a contract was to be upheld by a court. Another significant influence in the development of contract law on the Continent was the Roman Catholic Church. The church in its own law (canon law) strongly supported the proposition that a simple, informal promise should be binding (pacta sunt servanda). This attitude was to encourage the development of informal contracts. The natural-law philosophers took up such ideas as pacta sunt servanda, although they were slow to abandon the view that some contracts, especially contracts of exchange, should require part performance if they were to be held enforceable. By the 18th century the speculative and systematic thought of jurists and philosophers had finally and fully carried the day. The legal writers and legislators of the period generally considered informal contracts as enforceable in the courts. Thus, in the French civil code (the Napoleonic Code) of 1804, contract was approached essentially in terms of agreement; obligations freely assumed were enforceable except when the welfare of society or the need to protect certain categories of persons, such as minors, dictated otherwise. With the generalization that contract rests ultimately on agreement, the civil-law systems achieved a foundation quite different from the common law’s view that contract is basically a promise supported by a consideration.

All the Western systems of modern contract law provide mechanisms through which individuals can voluntarily assume, vis-à-vis others, legally binding obligations enforceable by the other person. Contract law strives to give legal expression to the endlessly varying desires and purposes that human beings seek to express and forward by assuming legal obligations. The resulting system is open-ended; in principle, no limits are set in modern contract law to the number of possible variations of contracts.

The setting of standards

In theory, contractual obligations should be concluded between parties of substantially equal awareness and bargaining power and for purposes fully approved of by society. The law reflects this utopian idea in the sense that it tends to conceive of contract as an arrangement freely negotiated between two or more parties of relatively equal bargaining power. The manifestations of intention required to form a contract are accordingly thought of as indicating real willingness, although in fact they may simply represent acquiescence.
