Britannica Money

The U.S. money market

The domestic money market in the United States carries out the largest volume of transactions of any such market in the world; its participants include the most heterogeneous group of financial and nonfinancial concerns to be found in any money market; it permits trading in an unusually wide variety of money substitutes; and it is less centralized geographically than the money market of any other country. Although there has always been a clustering of money market activities in New York City and much of the country’s participation in the international money market centres there, a process of continuous change during the 20th century has produced a genuinely national money market.

By 1935 the financial crises of the Great Depression had resulted in a basic revision of the banking laws. All gold had been withdrawn from internal circulation in 1933 and was henceforth held by the U.S. Treasury for use only in settling net flows of international payments among governments or central banks; its price was raised to $35 per ounce, and the U.S. dollar became the key currency in an international gold bullion standard. Domestically, the changes included legislative recognition of the primary importance of unified open-market operations by the Federal Reserve System and delegation to the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System of authority to raise or lower the ratios required between reserves and commercial bank deposits. Although about half of the 30,000 separate banks existing in the early 1920s had disappeared by the mid-1930s, the essential character of commercial banking in the U.S. remained that of a “unit” (or single-outlet) banking system in contrast to those of most other countries, which had a small number of large branch-banking organizations.

The unit banking system

This system has led inevitably to striking differences between money market arrangements in the United States and those of other countries. At times, some smaller banks almost inevitably find that the wholesale facilities of the money market cannot provide promptly the funds needed to meet unexpected reserve drains, as deposits move about the country from one bank to another. To provide temporary relief, pending a return flow of funds or more gradual disposal of other liquid assets in the money market, such banks have the privilege, if they are members of the Federal Reserve System, of borrowing for reasonable periods at their own Federal Reserve bank. At times some large banks, which serve as depositories for part of the liquid balances of many of the smaller ones (including those that are not members of the Federal Reserve System) also find that demands converging on them are much greater than expected. These large banks, too, can borrow temporarily at a Federal Reserve bank if other money market facilities are not adequate to their needs. Because these borrowing needs are unavoidably frequent in a vast unit banking system and, as a rule, do not indicate poor management, the discount rate charged by the Federal Reserve banks on such borrowing is not ordinarily put at punitive or severe penalty levels—thus, contrary to practice in many other countries, the central bank does not always maintain its interest rate well above those prevailing on marketable money market instruments. To avoid abuse, there is continuous surveillance of the borrowing banks by the Federal Reserve banks.

Along with this practice of borrowing at a Federal Reserve bank has developed the market for “federal funds.” This specialized part of the money market provides for the direct transfer to a member bank of balances on the books of a Federal Reserve bank in return for payment of a variable rate of interest called the “federal funds rate.” These funds are immediately available. There are transactions, too, in funds that are on deposit at commercial banks—by means of loans between banks, or through loans by one large depositor to another. Because these must be collected through a clearing process, they are usually called “clearinghouse funds.”

Money market instruments

Transactions in federal funds and clearinghouse funds are further supplemented by transactions in which either kind of money is exchanged for some other liquid, money market instrument, most frequently government securities. The magnitude of the market for government securities became so great after World War II that it overshadowed all other elements of the money market. Trading in outstanding “governments” is virtually all done through dealers who buy and sell for their own account at prices which they quote on request (standing ready to “bid” for or to “offer” any outstanding issue). Most of these dealers have head offices located in New York City, but all are engaged in nationwide operations. Their transactions and the lending arrangements through which they finance their own inventories of government securities have evolved into a particularly sensitive indicator of the pressures of supply and demand on the money market from day to day. The most common form of dealer financing is the repurchase agreement, through which dealers sell parts of their inventory temporarily, subject to repurchase.

Closely interrelated, often through trading operations conducted by the same dealers, are the much smaller markets for bank drafts, bills of exchange, and commercial paper. Alongside these other markets and actually somewhat larger in outstanding volume are the markets for securities issued by various “agencies” created by federal statute, such as the Federal Home Loan banks and Federal Land banks. Another money market instrument is the negotiable time certificate of deposit (CD), issued in large volume by commercial banks, which first became significant in 1962. While the owner of a time CD cannot withdraw his deposit before the maturity date initially agreed upon, he can sell it at any time in a secondary market that is conducted by government securities dealers.

The Federal Reserve System conducts day-to-day operations in the money market on its own initiative in order to assist the smooth working of the nation’s financial machinery and to exert a general influence aimed at fostering economic growth and limiting economic instability. Its transactions include substantial outright purchases or sales of government securities, relatively small purchases and run-offs of bankers’ acceptances, and a considerable volume of loans made for a few days at a time to dealers in government securities or acceptances in the form of repurchase agreements. While it is still the commercial banks as a group that have the greatest continuing need for the combined facilities of the nationwide money market, there is frequent and continuous participation by a great variety of institutional investors who channel the public’s savings into various uses and who must always also make some provision for their own liquidity.

Perhaps the most unusual feature in the composition of the U.S. money market is the great importance attained by nonfinancial business concerns and local units of government since World War II. Corporate treasurers and the treasurers of many states and local political subdivisions and authorities have become so keenly sensitive to the profitable possibilities of managing their own liquid holdings instead of relying on the commercial banks as most had done formerly that this group at times provides nearly as large a part of the volatile financing needs of government securities dealers, for example, as comes from the banks. Moreover, banks outside New York City sometimes supply more of the financing needed by these dealers than do the traditional “money market banks” in New York City. The nationwide character of the money market is also shown by the participation of nearly 200 banks in the federal-funds market—banks that are widely scattered among all Federal Reserve districts, although the bulk of all transactions is executed through facilities located in New York.

While the U.S. money market has become truly national, it still needs a final clearing centre upon which the net impact of changes in overall supply or demand can ultimately converge and where the final balancing adjustments of the market as a whole can be accomplished. In filling that need, New York City continues to be the centre of the national money market.

Robert Vincent Roosa