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Also known as: Anadolu, Asia Minor
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Asia Minor
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Byzantine Empire

The period following the Chalcolithic in Anatolia is generally referred to as the Bronze Age. In its earlier phases the predominant metal was in fact pure copper, but the older term Copper Age created confusion and has been discarded. Archaeological convention divides the Bronze Age into three subphases: early, middle, and late. The beginning of the Bronze Age, in the mid-4th millennium bce, corresponds in Egypt to the predynastic period and in Mesopotamia to the early Protoliterate; it lasted until late in the 2nd millennium. In its earlier stages a number of well-defined cultural provinces have been recognized, distinguished by slight disparities in their archaeological remains: a northwest province, represented by the excavations at Troy; a central Anatolian province, documented by the soundings at Alişar Hüyük, Alaca Hüyük, and elsewhere; an extensive southwestern province, best characterized at Beycesultan; a Cilician province, represented by Mersin and neighbouring Tarsus; and a southeastern province known from Arslantepe-Malatya, Norşuntepe, and other sites in the Elazığ region. Other, less clearly defined provinces are found in the Eskişehir and Konya plains and in the Pontic region. The Early Bronze Age itself is customarily divided into first, second, and third phases.

Several factors combined to produce a period of economic growth. Cultivation of the grape and production of wine brought greater agricultural prosperity. Adoption of the wheel increased the production of pottery and, more importantly, improved transport. Seafaring seems to have increased. Metallurgical skills previously developed became more visible and were in wider use, attested in particular by such finds as the so-called “Priam’s Treasure” from Troy and grave goods from royal tombs at Alaca Hüyük. Technical processes included casting in closed molds (the lost-wax process), metal inlay, sweating and soldering, hammering and repoussé, granulation, filigree, and even cloisonné. The metals used included copper, bronze, silver, gold, electrum, lead, and iron, which was then far more valuable than gold. All these metals were obtainable in Anatolia, although the tin needed to make bronze may have been imported. Semiprecious stones and other materials used in association with them included rock crystal, carnelian, jasper, nephrite, and obsidian, all native to Anatolia, along with imported ivory, amber, and lapis lazuli. Mesopotamian demand for metals and metalwork may have stimulated production for export. Where trade was controlled by local rulers, as at Arslantepe-Malatya, levies could concentrate wealth in the hands of ruling families.

Fortified sites—whether single buildings, villages, towns, or palaces—were the norm. A single building at Karataş-Semayük was defended by a ditch, a plastered rampart, and an enclosure wall. Villages such as Demirci Hüyük relied on the outer wall of a radial arrangement of houses. The citadel of Troy had heavy stone walls with mud-brick superstructure, a clay-covered glacis, and projecting gates with inner and outer sets of doors. The number and variety of weapons found—daggers, swords, spears, and battle-axes—suggests a culture given to warfare or at least to military display.

A possible temple at Arslantepe-Malatya had a heavily built T-shaped plan and walls decorated with painted and impressed designs. Beycesultan houses had megarons—large central halls with porches at either end—arranged in pairs with circular hearths backed by twin stelae and clay horns, suggesting an affinity with Cretan cults and a possible dedication to male and female deities. Gods of the underworld may have been venerated in underground chambers enclosing springs; these chambers have been found in southeastern Anatolia. Figurines are universal, in clay, stone, bone, and metal. In the west they usually had a figure-eight shape, but in Cappadocia a disk shape was preferred, with triangular heads on long stalks. Occasionally these figures were modeled in the round.

In western Anatolia the dead usually were buried in cemeteries outside the settlements, often in large clay vessels. In central Anatolia, however, a group of cist graves dating to the second and third phases of the Early Bronze Age was discovered beneath the Hittite city at Alaca Hüyük. There, several generations of a ruling family had been buried amid funerary paraphernalia and private possessions. Ritual objects in the tombs included latticework bronze disks, possibly representing the sun goddess, and solid-cast standards bearing models of stags, bulls, and rams; all these may have been attached to wooden furnishings, such as carts, of which no trace is left. Other finds included private possessions often made in precious materials; these possessions included weapons, jewelry, toilet articles, domestic vessels, and utensils. A comparable group of tombs has been found at Horoztepe near Tokat. Cremation-burials first appear in the third phase at Gedikli Hüyük in southeastern Anatolia.

Most pottery was monochrome red or black, with incised and white-painted decoration sometimes occurring in the first and second phases. Fluting and ribbing resembled the decoration of metal vessels and was especially characteristic of the southwest. In central and southern areas painted wares reappeared in the second phase, and in the third phase a purple-on-orange ware with strongly geometric designs appeared in the Kültepe region. A related polychrome ware appeared simultaneously in the Elazığ and Malatya regions. The most important technical innovation in ceramics was the introduction of the potter’s wheel, which in most areas occurred about the beginning of the third phase.

The transition to the third phase of the Early Bronze Age, possibly about 2450 bce, brought with it the general appearance in western Anatolia of wheel-made plates and two-handled drinking vessels. These, together with other western styles in pottery and architecture, spread also to central and southern areas. Surveys have suggested that many sites were destroyed at the end of the second phase. Some scholars therefore have argued that speakers of an Indo-European language entered Anatolia at that time from the northwest. The language, in this view, would have been ancestral to Hittite and Luwian. Indo-European is first attested in Anatolia in names occurring in Middle Bronze Age tablets from Kültepe, but the date, route, and even the reality of an Indo-European invasion or infiltration are all controversial. Furthermore, it is likely that the greater universality of styles occurring in the third phase can be attributed simply to increased contact through trade and improved transport. The beginnings of trade with Assyria are indicated by the pottery and small objects of Kültepe in the third phase; this trade was to develop strongly in the Middle Bronze Age.

Middle Bronze Age

The Middle Bronze Age, beginning about 2000 bce, seems to have been a period of prosperity and cultural progress in the cities of Anatolia. Assyrian merchants, interested in the mineral wealth of the country, built up a chain of trading stations that stretched from Ashur to the Konya Plain. By agreement with the indigenous rulers, to whom they paid taxes, the merchants established themselves in colonies in the suburbs of Anatolian cities. The principal trading colony, or karum, has been discovered at Kültepe (ancient Nesa), where Assyrian archives show that the foreigners lived on good terms with their Anatolian neighbours and intermarried with them. The karum itself, known as Kanesh, resembled a chamber of commerce, with authority to fix prices, settle debts, and arrange transport.

The history of the karum falls into two periods, divided by some disaster that resulted in the destruction of the suburb by fire, after which it was rebuilt. Because written records were kept, the approximate dates of these two occupations may be calculated by correlating textual references to the names of Assyrian kings whose dates are already known. The first occupation, which was the longer and more productive of the two, must have covered the reigns of Erishum, Sargon I, and Puzur-Ashur (c. 1920–1850 bce), while the second was contemporary with that of Shamshi-Adad I (c. 1813–c. 1781 bce). This second occupation probably ended in a fire about 1740 bce during the reign of Samsuiluna of Babylon.

The successive occupations of the karum are paralleled in contemporary building levels in the main city mound where the palaces of the local rulers were situated. Another contemporary palace is known from Acemhöyük. Such palaces occasionally have produced vitally important cuneiform texts written on clay tablets in the Assyrian dialect of Akkadian. In addition to writing on clay, Anatolian scribes in the cities also adopted the use of the cylinder seal, which they decorated with designs of their own. The elaborate repertoire of figurative symbolism used for this purpose, together with that found in molded lead figurines, provides clear evidence of the existence of an indigenous Anatolian culture that persisted through the vicissitudes of economic and political change; the same tradition reappears with little alteration in the art of the Hittites.

The destruction of Nesa and its merchant colony marked the end of Assyrian trade not only there but also in other merchant colonies, such as Acemhöyük (probably the ancient Purushkhanda) and Hattusas (site of the later Hittite capital), which, together with a number of other cities in central Anatolia, were also violently destroyed. It is not clear who was responsible for the destruction. The Middle Bronze Age sites of western Anatolia were largely unaffected by the Assyrian trade but show a gradual increase of contact across the Aegean with Crete and mainland Greece.

Seton H.F. Lloyd Donald Fyfe Easton