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The greater part of the Oriental region is tropical. The northwestern part is dry and partly desert, so animal life is chiefly confined to the forms related to those of the dry parts of the Ethiopian and Palearctic regions. Elsewhere, monkeys are common. Apes are found only in tropical rainforests; gibbons inhabit regions of Assam (in northeastern India), Myanmar, peninsular Southeast Asia, and the Greater Sunda Islands, while orangutans are restricted to the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, where they are in danger of extinction.

The Asiatic distribution of the African lion is now confined to Gir Forest National Park of the Kathiawar Peninsula in Gujarat state, India, where it is protected, but a few specimens may still occur in southeastern Iran. Tigers are now found from the Himalayas to Sumatra, though their range was once much wider. Leopards range throughout the region, except in Sumatra. Civets and mongooses are numerous. The badgerlike ratel lives in the hilly districts of peninsular India and is even to be seen as far west as Israel. Jackals are plentiful in India; the striped hyena is confined to drier parts. Both are absent from the east.

Flying and ordinary squirrels are common in woodlands. Gaurs (large wild oxen) are found in India and Myanmar, and bantengs (Malayan wild oxen) are distributed in Myanmar and south to Borneo and Java but not in Sumatra.

The most common antelope is the blackbuck, found in open brush-covered wild areas and cultivated plains throughout India, except on the Malabar Coast of India; the nilgai, or blue bull, and the chousingha (a four-horned antelope of northern India) occupy hilly regions south of the Himalayas. Species of deer include musk deer in the pine zone of the Kashmir region, Nepal, and the Indian state of Sikkim; sambar deer practically over the whole region; and muntjac (barking deer) ranging northward into southernmost China.

Chevrotains (small hornless deerlike ruminants) are typical, and wild pigs are also widely distributed. Indian one-horned rhinoceroses are protected and confined to Nepal and Assam; Sumatran two-horned rhinoceroses are now restricted to the deep forests of Malaysia, southern Sumatra, and northern Borneo; the one-horned Javan rhinoceros population numbers only a few dozen. Malayan tapirs live in dense forests in southern Myanmar, Malaysia, and Sumatra. Indian elephants are found throughout the region. Scaly anteaters, or pangolins—also found in Africa—are characteristic. The tropical breed of cattle (Bos indicus), known as the Brahman or zebu and recognizable by its shoulder humps, was domesticated in India, as was the water buffalo, which is now distributed from Egypt to central China and the Philippines.


Game birds are important. The Indian peacock can be seen throughout India, whereas another species of peacock (Pavo muticus) is restricted to Java. Numerous species of pheasants live in the forests of Myanmar, Thailand, peninsular Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Sumatra, and Borneo. Jungle fowl are unique to the Oriental region and are the source of all domesticated chickens. Pigeons occur in great variety, but the number of species of parrots is small compared with other tropical regions.

Water and wood kingfishers are represented by many species. Hornbills show their greatest development in the Oriental region. The Indian hoopoe is common in India but is only a migratory bird in the southeastern part of the region. Among cuckoos the brain-fever bird—an Asian hawk cuckoo that takes its name from the suggested effect of its repetitious cry—is well known. Eagles, osprey, falcons, hawks, kites, and buzzards all occur; in the western part vultures are numerous and are found even in towns.

The forests are inhabited by many species of woodpeckers. The barbets (loud-voiced tropical birds) are characteristic, the best known being the coppersmith bird. Bee-eaters and rollers are common in India, but, whereas the former can be found as far as the Malay Archipelago and beyond, rollers are absent in the southeast except in Celebes and beyond. The passerine birds are numerous. The house crow, the Indian grackle, and the common mynah are familiar birds in India. Drongos (Old World passerines, usually black with hooked bills), flycatchers, bulbuls, tailorbirds, orioles, and many others are widely distributed, and broadbills are typical. Among the herons the white cattle egret is common throughout the region, whereas spoonbills, cranes, and gulls are mostly confined to the western part.

Reptiles and amphibians

Of the crocodiles the gavial, which has long slender jaws and a soft inflatable nose tip, is restricted to the large rivers of northern India; a species of an allied genus is found in Sumatra and Borneo; and the mugger (the common freshwater crocodile) and the estuarine crocodile have a wider distribution. Freshwater turtles and land tortoises are well represented. Lizards are numerous, and flying lizards are also typical of the region. Chameleons are chiefly African, but one species is found in peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Snakes are numerous, among them the poisonous krait, cobra, and Russell’s viper. Frogs and toads are abundant.


The freshwater fish life of the Oriental region is rich. The carp and catfish families have many native genera and species. The labyrinth fish (so named for a labyrinthine outpocketing of the gill chamber that permits them to take oxygen from air as well as from water), to which the climbing perch and the gourami belong, are characteristic of the fish life of the region, as are spiny eels.


Insects, arachnids (scorpions, spiders, ticks, and mites), mollusks, and other invertebrates inhabit the region in great numbers. Large birdwing butterflies, allied to the well-represented swallowtails, are typical. Almost all known families of scorpions are present. Among land shells the absence of Helicidae (a family of land snails that have lungs), common in the Palearctic region, is noteworthy. Their place is taken by other forms, such as species of Hemiplecta, and by land mollusks that have horny or shelly plates on their posterior dorsal surfaces.

Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort Aleksandr Maximovich Ryabchikov Nina Nikolaevna Alexeeva


Fossil evidence indicates that Asia has been under occupation by human species for at least one million years and most likely longer. The first humans in Asia may have descended from groups of the extinct species Homo erectus that migrated to the continent from Africa. There is much debate as to whether modern Asian peoples evolved from those early humans or represent the descendants of anatomically modern peoples who migrated out of Africa beginning about 100,000 years ago.

A discussion of Asian peoples and their cultural development cannot entirely exclude other parts of the Old World. The relatively recent, Western conceptual division of the Eurasian landmass into “Europe” and “Asia” has only minor significance in relation to the historic patterns of human occupation of the continent. The cultural diversity of Asia is greater than that of any other continent, because it represents ethnic types and linguistic systems that have evolved over long periods of time in separated regional homelands with distinct physical environments, as well as repeated patterns of modification and intermixture that have resulted from both peaceful and militant migrations. Some Asian territories have become highly diversified ethnic and linguistic mosaics in which there are mixed and overlapping elements.
