History of the Solomon Islands

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Also known as: Islas de Solomón


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This section focuses specifically on the history and development of the area and country now known as Solomon Islands. For a discussion of the history of Solomon Islands in its broader, regional context, see Pacific Islands.


The Solomon Islands were initially settled by at least 2000 bce—well before the archaeological record begins—probably by people of the Austronesian language group. Pottery of the Lapita culture was in use in Santa Cruz and the Reef Islands about 1500 bce. Material dating to about 1000 bce has also been excavated at Vatuluma Cave (Guadalcanal), on Santa Ana Island, and on the outlying islands of Anuta and Tikopia.

European presence on the islands

The first European to reach the islands was the Spanish explorer Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira in 1568. Subsequently, unjustified rumors led to the belief that he had not only found gold there but had also discovered where the biblical king Solomon obtained the gold for his temple in Jerusalem. The islands thus acquired the name Islas de Solomón. Later Spanish expeditions to the southwest Pacific in 1595 and 1606 were unable to confirm the discoveries reported by Mendaña. Geographers came to doubt the existence of the group, and it was not until the late 18th century, after further sightings by French and English navigators, that the Solomons were accurately charted. After the settlement of Sydney by the English in 1788, naval and commercial shipping began increasingly to pass through the Solomons’ waters.

Roman Catholic missionaries failed to establish a settlement in the 1840s but did so in 1898. Anglican missionaries, who had been taking islanders to New Zealand for training since the 1850s, began to settle in the Solomons in the 1870s. Other missions arrived later.

Establishment of colonial rule

By the late 19th century the islands were being exploited for labor to work the plantations of Fiji and other islands and of Queensland, Australia. About 30,000 laborers were recruited between 1870 and 1910. To protect their own interests, Germany and Britain divided the Solomons between them in 1886, but in 1899 Germany transferred the northern islands, except for Buka and Bougainville, to Britain (which had already claimed the southern islands) in return for recognition of German claims in Western Samoa (now Samoa) and parts of Africa. The British Solomon Islands Protectorate was declared in 1893, partly in response to abuses associated with labor recruitment and partly to regulate contacts between islanders and European settlers but mainly to forestall a threat of annexation by France. Colonial rule began in 1896. Although generally humane, administrators were more concerned with promoting the interests of European traders and planters than those of the islanders, and islanders were punished harshly for offenses against colonial law and order. The murder of government tax collectors by members of the Kwaio ethnic group on Malaita in 1927 was answered with a savage punitive expedition, backed by an Australian warship, that burned and looted villages and killed many of the Kwaio. Together with some of his associates, Basiana, the leader of the tax collectors’ killers, was hanged, and his young sons were forced to witness the execution.

World War II

With the outbreak of World War II in the Pacific, the Japanese began occupying the protectorate early in 1942, but their advance farther southward was stopped by U.S. forces, which invaded on August 7. Fighting in the Solomons over the next 15 months was some of the most bitter in the Pacific; the long Battle of Guadalcanal was one of the crucial conflicts of the Pacific War. Throughout the campaign the U.S. forces and their allies were strongly supported by the islanders. After the war, because of the proximity of an airfield and the availability of flat land and of the military’s buildings, Honiara on Guadalcanal became the new capital, replacing Tulagi.


Another result of the war was to stimulate political consciousness among the islanders and so inspire a nationalist movement known as Maasina Rule, which lasted from 1944 to 1952. Subsequently, in response to the worldwide movement for decolonization, the Solomons set out on the path of constitutional development. The country was formally renamed Solomon Islands in 1975, and independence was attained on July 7, 1978. Peter Kenilorea, who had helped lead Solomon Islands to independence, became its first prime minister (1978–81) and served a second term from 1984 to 1986. Solomon Mamaloni, another pre-independence leader, served as prime minister several times in the 1980s and ’90s; resigning from his final term in August 1997 amid allegations of corruption, he was replaced by Bartholomew Ulufa’alu.

The Tensions (1998–2003): ethnic violence, 2000 coup, arrival of RAMSI, and 2001 election

In 1998 Solomon Islands became embroiled in ethnic violence, with rebels on Guadalcanal fighting to overthrow the island’s dominant Malaitan minority. This gave birth to a period in the country’s history that came to be known as the Tensions. During the ongoing civil disorder, Ulufa’alu, an ethnic Malaitan, was deposed in a June 2000 coup and succeeded by Manasseh Sogavare. Later that year New Zealand and Australian forces arrived, and a peace accord was signed. Efforts began to rebuild the heavily damaged country while sporadic violence continued. The Tensions had led to the near-collapse of the country’s government, which was unable to provide services or ensure public safety. Foreign aid was secured to repair the extensive property and infrastructure damage.

Hugh Michael Laracy Sophie Foster The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Sir Allen Kemakeza became prime minister in December 2001 after a general election was held earlier that month. As economic, political, and civil instability continued to plague Solomon Islands, in mid-2003 Kemakeza asked the countries of the Pacific Islands Forum for assistance. In response, they formed a multinational Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI), led by Australia. RAMSI deployed troops in July to help maintain order.

Efforts toward recovery and reform and the 2006 and 2010 general elections

The country’s recovery progressed slowly, supported by an influx of foreign aid, particularly from Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and the European Union. After the 2006 general election, antigovernment riots broke out, and parts of Honiara were burned and looted; the new prime minister, Snyder Rini, resigned after eight days in office and was replaced by Sogavare, who opposed the presence of RAMSI. Conflict arose between RAMSI and the government over one of the prime minister’s political appointments, and Sogavare threatened to expel the multinational force. A compromise was brokered late in the year, and RAMSI remained.

After Sogavare lost a confidence vote in 2007, Derek Sikua became prime minister. Consideration of a new constitution was ongoing; it would address provincial and ethnic tensions by changing the governmental structure to that of a federation of states.

A general election was held in August 2010, after which Danny Philip, the leader of a parliamentary coalition, became prime minister. Philip stated that constitutional reform would be a priority of his administration, but he left before it could be completed, resigning a little more than a year later in the face of corruption allegations. He was succeeded by Gordon Darcy Lilo.

Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Meanwhile, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, tasked with investigating the causes and events of the Tensions (1998–2003) and helping the country to heal from the conflict, had been created and began work in 2009. Hearings were held in 2010 and 2011, and the commission submitted its final report to Lilo in February 2012. However, he did not send the report to Parliament for approval or release the report to the public, actions required by the legislation that created the commission. After the public waited for more than a year to see the report, in April 2013 one of the editors of the report controversially released an unofficial copy of it.

Biometric voter registration, 2014 election, and departure of RAMSI

During Lilo’s premiership, RAMSI ended its military operations in July 2013 but left personnel in place to continue assistance with policing operations. Lilo also oversaw a biometric voter registration initiative, which was intended to tackle the problem of voter fraud in the country’s elections. The initiative was completed in time to be used in the 2014 general election and was commended. Lilo lost his seat in that election, however, and Parliament elected Sogavare to succeed him. Sogavare saw the long-awaited departure of RAMSI, which formally ended its mission in June 2017.

Anti-corruption efforts, 2019 general election, progress with a new federal constitution, and foreign policy changes

Anti-corruption measures, introduced under Sogavare in 2016, were passed in 2018 under the next prime minister, Rick (“Hou”) Houenipwela, who had succeeded Sogavare after Sogavare lost a vote of confidence in 2017. While passage of the highly anticipated legislation was welcomed by many, some expressed concern over what they perceived to be its limitations. A general election held in April 2019, the first since the departure of RAMSI, saw the return of Sogavare to the post of prime minister. Meanwhile, progress in the long-running efforts to draft a new constitution advanced in the 2010s, though it had yet to be promulgated by the decade’s end.

Later in 2019 Solomon Islands ended its long-standing relationship with Taiwan in favor of establishing official diplomatic ties with Beijing. Sogavare’s government championed the move, but it was not widely supported in all quarters. Premier Daniel Suidani of Malaita province was among the most vocal critics. He rejected the change and later suggested that Malaita would pursue independence.

2021 unrest, 2022 security pact with China, and 2024 general election

Anger with the government erupted in late November 2021 when protesters—primarily Malaitans frustrated with economic conditions and feeling marginalized by the national government—demonstrated in the capital of Honiara and called for Sogavare’s resignation. The continued fallout from the 2019 decision to drop ties with Taiwan in favor of Beijing was said to play a role in the discontent as well. The protests quickly devolved into rioting that lasted three days; several buildings were looted and burned, and security forces from other countries in the Pacific region were brought in to help maintain order at Sogavare’s request. In early December Sogavare faced a confidence vote and survived it. In Malaita, Suidani again floated the idea of independence for the province and announced his intent to poll Malaitans to determine the level of support for the proposal.

In March 2022 the draft of a proposed security pact between Solomon Islands and China was leaked by opponents of the agreement. In addition to receiving domestic opposition, the draft alarmed the country’s traditional Western allies, who worried that China would use the pact to establish a foothold in the region. They also feared that China would build a military base in the country, though Sogavare denied that he would allow such an action. The pact was signed the next month. Later that year a bill to delay the 2023 general election was proposed, with Sogavare arguing that the country would not be able to both host the Pacific Games sporting event, which was scheduled to take place in November 2023, as well as hold an election in the same year, though opposition members disagreed. The bill was passed in September 2022.

The delayed election was held in April 2024. While many voters had domestic concerns, such as wanting improvements made to the country’s physical and social infrastructure, the election was also seen as a referendum on Sogavare’s decision to pivot toward China, some opponents saying that they would negate the security pact or put it to a vote. Although Sogavare retained his seat in Parliament, his party won far fewer seats than in the previous election, and he stated he would not run for prime minister again. Parliament later elected Jeremiah Manele to the post; he had previously served as Sogavare’s foreign minister, among other positions, and had been involved in strengthening the country’s relationship with China.

Climate change concerns

As an island country, Solomon Islands was particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels, and the effects of climate change on Solomon Islands were a significant concern in the 21st century. The government prepared a plan of action to adapt to the challenges presented by the changing climate, which included efforts toward better management of water sources, taking measures to improve crop resilience and food security, and working to relocate communities in low-lying coastal areas and other vulnerable areas.

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